Welcome to Grade 4A's blog for 2014. Here you will find student work samples, student posts on different topics, links to popular learning websites as well as other news about what we are learning about in school. I hope that this space, along with the integration of iPads as an educational tool, helps 4A students to enhance their skills and thinking in order to become Smart, Safe and Responsible users of technology in this digital age. Hopefully it will also allow students to further share their learning journey with families at home. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How Mountains Turn to Dust

Dear 4A, One of your blogging tasks for Reader's Workshop this week is to watch and comment on a short video. Click on the 4A link entitled "How Mountains Turn to Dust". Once you have finished watching it, please post your comment. Consider and answer some of these questions: Here are some thinking stems you could use: I learnt that... I wonder if... It is interesting that... The fact that...reminded me of... A new word I heard was... I think it means.... I look forward to reading your responses Grade 4. You will be able to read each other's and comment on them when they are published. From Ms Box


  1. Dear Ms Box,

    I learnt that mountains are made from the dust and dirt. It go's through many stages and the turns into a mountain with layers of dirt the is now a mountain.
    From Isobel

  2. Dear Ms Box,

    This made me wonder how long it would take for the Grand Canyon to turn into dust. It will probably take a long time because it is very big. I learnt that it doesn't actually take that long for a mountain to turn to dust because the water dissolves into the mountain really fast.

    From Aaron

  3. Dear Ms Box,

    Mountains turn to dust by the weather going on for millions of years and then it turns to dust.
    From Aiden

  4. Dear Ms Box,
    moutains turn to dust by the wether

    From Max

  5. Dear Ms Box,

    I wonder how long it would take for ularu to turn to to dust.
    Probrobly a long time because there is not much water,
    From Tom.

  6. I lean't that mountains can be on Ether for over millions of year's

  7. I think that it was interesting that the reason most of the bush roads are orangey is because it's just simply rusty iron.

    From Caitlin

  8. Dear Ms Box,

    I am very interested in ' How Mountains Turn To Dust' and now I am even more interested in it! I already knew that things got covered by rocks, by I didn't know how.

  9. To Ms Box,

    I have seen the video clip: how Mountains Turns to dust. What I learnt is that rocks can break down even if you don't touch it and if there's no water here, plane earth would just be a plnet with no oxegen, no soil or sand and no life, just like other planets in the solar system.

  10. dear ms box i think that moutains turn to dust because when they pull it apart the mouians to dust abbey

  11. Dear Ms Box,

    I learned that when the heat touch the rock most of them turn into dust.But some don't
    and when the cold touch the rock they turn smooth

    From Taylor

  12. Dear Ms Box,

    Mountains turn to dust by layers of dirt and dust. The weather can go on for millions of years and then they turn to mountains.

    From Thomas

  13. Dear Ms Box

    It takes a while for it to form. We wouldn't be here without plants. I think it was a very good video.

    From Keeley
