Welcome to Grade 4A's blog for 2014. Here you will find student work samples, student posts on different topics, links to popular learning websites as well as other news about what we are learning about in school. I hope that this space, along with the integration of iPads as an educational tool, helps 4A students to enhance their skills and thinking in order to become Smart, Safe and Responsible users of technology in this digital age. Hopefully it will also allow students to further share their learning journey with families at home. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The iPad Program
Hi everyone,
Please provide some feedback about the iPad program so far.
I would like to know:
-What is your opinion about the activities using the iPad so far and WHY? (really fun, fun, boring) Please tell me your favourite and provide reasons for your feedback. You will probably need to use the word BECAUSE several times.
-What suggestions do you have to make the program better? Consider how we could use them to enhance our learning in ways that we haven't already.
I look forward to reading your responses. :)
Kind regards,
Ms Box
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Dear Ms Box
ReplyDeleteI like doing the book spotlight project because you can use all different apps and its on books so there is something else.
I think to help the program we should use all the apps instead of just using the common apps.
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteSo far I think it is going ok. I like the shopping spree because you get to go to age appropriate shops like Rebel Sport, Target, Big W and more.
I think that there is nothing wrong with the ipad program.
I like showbie because you can send your work to the teacher.
From Chad
dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteSo far I really like the ipad program because we are leaning new websites together.
I like how we go to the shops on our Ipad with 15 thousand dollars (not real buying).
and making posters on pic collage (my fav school app)I really hope you like my poster:)kind regards max
Dear Ms Box
ReplyDeleteI like the ipad program because the book report I am having lots of fun with that .
showbie is fun bye sending all my work on there instead of you have to tell us.
I like how to make the apps from the internet like we made the blog .
I want to use popplet and strip deign more.
from abbey O
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI like how we have the Ipad program this term! It is more fun than using sheets of paper to do our work. My favourite app is Showbie because you can send work to the teacher without going to her. You can even talk or message them on the weekend or on the holidays.
I dislike how we spend a lot of time on the Ipad doing work. If you spend too much time on the Ipad, you eyes will get worse and worse.
I like how we started the Ipad program because then we don't have to share the school Ipads we can just use our own Ipad.
I also want to start getting used to the apps that we use like Pic Collage and Explain Everything.
From Ernest
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed doing the reader's spotlight project because I like doing projects on things like Explain Everything. I also like the other activities on the iPad. Even though I don't have an iPad, I like how we can share the class ones around. I think this program is fun.
From Keeley
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that the BYOD program is going good so far.
Besides when it's hard to concentrate by people around me
I won't name then because they might be annoyed.
So far I think it's really fun :-)
Regards, Thomas
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteIt good because you can search words that you don't know and the app Explant Everything is a good way to make a poster.
the bad thing is when you do too mach work on the iPad it is bad for you.
I think using the iPad is Very fun. (really fun)
from lanchu
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI think the BYO iPad programme is really exciting because we get to do a bit of work at home to level it out. I personally like Showbie because it lets me know when and what needs to be done.
There is just one fault that I found though, if you can't afford an iPad you have to use class iPads and then you can't do work at home. I also think we should have iMovie so we can make class versions of the Rangeview News.
I'm rounding off with one more thing I think it has helped out with our technical knowledge because we learn about new apps and some apps like Explain Everything you get to teach people and test your knowledge.
From Tom
ReplyDeleteSO far I think it is a good way to do work on it like writing spalling on book crafts it fun. I like Showbie because you can send you work .
from JAKE
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed the book spotlight project because we get to insert pictures and record our voices. I have also enjoy playing the math game because they have lots of fun interactive things to do . Which I find fun.
I think that it would be better to use more apps. We could use fake money to go in our bank account and every once in a while we can go onto Google and go shopping but we don't get money if we don't do jobs.
Thank you Ms Box bye
From Isobel
Dear Ms Box ,
ReplyDeleteI like the IPAD program because it helps us make stuff like projects and other things.
I really like SHOWBIE because it shows me what you have done instead of demonstrating it.
you're sincerely Breeanon.
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteThe iPad program is one of my favourite parts of school. I enjoy the use of the iPads being mixed together with the every day things.
I would like it more if we had more time on posters and projects.
I love having the program, but still keeping paper usage alive.
From, Rose
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI like the Ipad program because we can do more activity. Learn more about being safe online. Showbie great because we can shear work, voice mail, message's and groups.
PS I like Showbie the best
from Mika
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI really liked the I pad program we are starting. I liked the book spotlight the best because you get to improve your CAFE a bit and tell other people about your book. It's been a wonderful to have this program. Everyone can learn in different areas.
My favourite app on the I pad is strip design because you can insert stickers to make your comic/poster stand out more. I think the I pad program is a good learning strategy. It's basically learning in a new way.
My favourite activity is the IF I WON THE LOTTERY project because you get to make up how much money you win and you get to get whatever you want[apart from things unsuitable for your age].
I'm sure that other people are enjoying this program as well. Can we keep this program going for a long time[or forever?]
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI think the Ipad program is really cool! My favourite app is book creator because you can make lots of books about things and I really like the voice recording thing in it. Explain Everything is also really good but when I was doing my book spotlight project I found out that when you I write a heading and click off it there are lines around the heading that I don't want. I then starting using Pic Collage to add text on Explain Everything but it takes quite a long time to do. I hope we will start using the Ipad in specialists too.
From Aaron
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI think doing a ipad program is a great idea because children who do not like school and just play video games will stop mucking around and concentrate on their work (on the ipad). To my opinion, it is really fun.
I think it will be better if we could find a way to let those who do not have an ipad use it, because those that do not have one will be unfair.
My favourite app is Showbie because if we did not have it, you will have to take them to your house almost every day.
Yours Sincerely,
Dear Ms. Box,
ReplyDeleteI find learning with iPads is really fun and interesting because there are lots of Apps to use.
from Reuben
Dear Ms Box,
ReplyDeleteI like doing the lottery shopping because it practise my take away sums.
Also, I like Book Spotlight because it helps me practise my accuracy.
My favourite app was Explain Everything because it can record voice and you can draw without using text.
Next time can we do something fun?
From Taylor