Welcome to Grade 4A's blog for 2014. Here you will find student work samples, student posts on different topics, links to popular learning websites as well as other news about what we are learning about in school. I hope that this space, along with the integration of iPads as an educational tool, helps 4A students to enhance their skills and thinking in order to become Smart, Safe and Responsible users of technology in this digital age. Hopefully it will also allow students to further share their learning journey with families at home. Enjoy!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Keep in touch Zafirah!

Today we say goodbye to a wonderful student, classmate and friend. This is a space on our blog where we can communicate with her, ask questions about her new school, share our exciting news and read about special things happening with Zafirah and her family. We can practise our quality blogging and keep in touch at the same time! :) Zafirah, we wish you well in Sydney.


  1. Zafirah please say something to us please and I wish you good luck.

  2. Hello, is any one there? Please answer.

    from Yinan

  3. hi there hope new school is good

    from abbey

  4. We are having great fun!

    from Yinan

  5. Hey guys sorry I didn't write. The reason I didn't write was because I didn't have any internet last week and I forgot to write this week. Hope you guys are having fun I sure am. Let me tell you about my school. On the first day I made 11 friends and the names of these people are Lucy,Jess,Logen,Jorden,Sophia,Breele,Renea,Azizah,Victoria,Macenze and Tiana. My class name is 4SK. They have Water,Air,Earth and Fire as their houses I was in Fire and so was Zaara. I was just doing some homework about How kids can make a differnce for my Oracy Competition. Also in July I'm doing a test to go to a speichal school and if I pass I will leave next year.

  6. Hi guys guess what I did I yesterday.I went the city.It was awesome.Hope you guys are
    having fun.

    1. Dear Zafirah,

      Your new school sounds great. I hope you are enjoying it there. Going to the city is fun. I also hope you have a good time in Sydney.

      From Keeley

    2. Dear Zafirah,

      I'm having a great time.

      P.S have a great time at your new school.

      P.P.S today it was cupcake day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      From Ryan.

    3. Dear Zafirah,

      Hope you are having a good time in your new school. I was supposed to write yesterday but I didn't because I was sick. I have lots of questions to ask you.

      1. What colour is Water, Air, Earth and fire? I really want to know because we don't know what it is.
      2. Is there any specialists in your school like our school does? (Example: Art, Music, Science, P.E or some other languages?)
      3.What is your teacher called? I think your teacher has a letter "s" and a "k" in it.

      From Ernest

      P.S WE ARE HAVING A MAGIC SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      P.P.S We are also having fun

    4. When you went the city did you go to the Sydney Hobour Brige?

      P.S Hope you reply
      P.S.S A pity your internet was not working.

    5. Dear Ernest,

      Here are the answers to your questions.

      1. earth,water,fire and air are green,blue,red and yellow

    6. Dear Naveen,

      Yes I did go to the Sydney harbour bridge. We actually went on it.

    7. Dear Zafirah

      I really really want to ask you these questions.

      Is the weather more different to Melbourne than Sydney?

      Did you celebrate Ramadan this year?

      I wonder how do you fast during the day time?

      Hope you're having fun during school holidays.

  7. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope you are having a great time in Sydney at your new school. I bet you are going to make heaps of friends as well as your 11 other friends. I guess you are having lots of fun. I hope you will be able to come visit some time.

    From Aaron

  8. Dear Zafirah ,

    I am having fun but I don't like the test we are doing and really miss you. Oh and June is coming yay can see you again;).So we have been doing a lot of test. But I'm
    happy that you are coming to Rangeview in June YAY. So what is your school called and what is your teacher called and I hope your teacher is nice as Ms box.
    I wish you good luck.

    From your friend Lanchu :)

    1. Hi Lanchu

      My school is called Sherwood Ridge Public School and my teachers names are Mrs Keller/ Mrs Stucky.

  9. To Zafirah,

    we had cup cake day today and it doesn't just have cup cakes, there were also pop corn!

    1. We had a cupcake day at our school too.

  10. Hi Zafirah,

    We have missed you . I was just wanting to know how you're doing in school. Have you had any tests yet? Because we have, not fun! Trust me, I just did an ondemand maths test. I really miss you Zafirah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FROM BREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dear Bree
      We had a few tests too. They were hard but I got through them.

  11. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope you're having a great time in Sydney. The whole of 4a misses you. I hope you make heaps more friends to momentarily replace your old ones,

    From Tom

    1. Hi Tom,
      I miss 4a too. I have a few friends here.

  12. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope you are having a great time. What specialists do you have at your new school. What is your favourite thing to do at school.

    From Chad

    1. We don't have any specialist in our class. My favourite thing to do is Art.

  13. To Zafirah,

    Hope your having fun there!

    Well I'm sure having fun, exept all the tests are boring. Any way, have you had any tests?

    P.S. We are having a majic show!


  14. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope your having a great time in Sydney and oh boy you've made alot of friends.We've been doing lots of tests and do you have to do lots of tests?

    From Aiden

  15. Dear Zafirah,

    What is your teacher's name and what are the coluors of the house's

  16. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope you have a lovely day. What is does the earth and air means? did you have a lovely house and I wish you good luck at your new school. Have you made any special friend. What is your specialist? and your so lucky that you don't have to do the test. A question did you have a spelling test.

    From Taylor

    P.S Were having a magic show!!!!!!!

  17. Dear Zafirah,
    I have a few comments and questions for you.
    What colour house is Earth and Air? Have you got to do any tests? Well, for the past few days, we had to do a few ondemand tests and maths tests. The maths tests are the ones on the booklet. We had cupcake day a few days ago and today we had finish off our maths booklets, do work sheets then go on Mathletics. Here is a cheat for Mathletics. Always do the tests at the end of the topic and you will get more daily points!
    See you soon,

  18. dear zafirah

    Hi I hope u r having fun at your new school.

    from Mika

  19. Dear Zafirah, I hope your having a great time in Sydney. I heard that you have made alot of friend on your fist day of school. Anyway, back in 4A we are doing alot of tests.I am wondering if have done any attractions like seen harbour bridge.

    From Abbey

  20. mika.c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    Dear Zafirah,

    How are you going at your new houes and your school.

    From Mika

  21. Dear Zarfirah,

    I had my mouth open when you were saying your first email. It sounds like your having lots of fun. Last night was open night, I'm still kicking myself because mum didn't let me come to your goodbye party. We have been trying out new activies in class and they have been going well. So how are you? I would love to know.
    From Isobel

  22. Dear Zafirah,

    I hope you are having fun at your new school.How's your teacher? Is she kind and thoughtful?

    P.S are you going to come back to Rangeview?

    From Thomas

  23. Dear Zafirah,

    i hope you are having a great great GREAT!!! time at your new school. How is
    Sydney? i have never been there but i want to. Can you tell me what the houses colours are really want to know. By the way how is school I like the way you told us:)
    it persuaded me to go there
    From Max!!

  24. Reuben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 23, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    Dear Zafira,

    I hope you're having a supercalafragalisticexpialadotious time!!!!!!!!!
    I also hope you like these 7 jokes:
    (1)how do you get 4 elephants into a mini.
    (2)how do you get a giraffe into a mini.
    P.S.I will have to tell you the rest later

    from Reuben!!!!!!!!!

  25. Dear Zafirah
    I Loved having you hear on friday it was an amazing surprise
    I hoped you had lots of fun
    and vista us agin from abbey

  26. Dear Abbey,

    Boy did I have fun. I was awesome on friday.

  27. Hi guys how is Rangeview. Let me tell you about my school in Sydney. At my school we have interest groups. My interest group is art. We also have sherwood on Parade. Sherwood on Paradeis when every class dose a song. My song is we are one by Pitbull. You guys should really hear it.

    From Zafirah
