Welcome to Grade 4A's blog for 2014. Here you will find student work samples, student posts on different topics, links to popular learning websites as well as other news about what we are learning about in school. I hope that this space, along with the integration of iPads as an educational tool, helps 4A students to enhance their skills and thinking in order to become Smart, Safe and Responsible users of technology in this digital age. Hopefully it will also allow students to further share their learning journey with families at home. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book Boxes and Just Right Books

In 4A we only read just right books. Just right books are books that are perfect for us. We each have book boxes. Each of our book boxes, holds our just right books. By Aiden and Tom :)


  1. I think book boxes are a very good idea because you can use them to keep your books in so they don't get dusty. I also liked decorating my book box.

  2. I think book boxes are great because you get a place to keep your book boxes and I also think you should have 1 or 2 relaxing books.

  3. book boxes are good because you know wich books are yours.

  4. i think book boxs are a great idear.and using tagxedo with them

  5. Right now I am reading The Pagent Of Cricket. It is all about cricket

  6. I think book boxes are very useful because you have a place to keep your books.

  7. book boxes are great because you can put all your just right books. by aiden.

  8. I love inedepended read
    from isobel

  9. We use bookboxses to store books for when we read.

  10. This moning Ms Box read a book call The five Chinese Brothers. Sam times she read to us or we read to ourselves.
